photo credit : @tendrerage
The April session of Labo des Désirs is an extension of March’s “Les Plus Belles de Mai”, and prepares the eponymous festival to be held on April 13, 20, 27 and May 4 in 4 bars run by 4 women in the Belle de Mai area. A women’s festival that questions the place of women in the neighborhood. What does it mean to be a woman, and how can we establish and liberate this presence in public space? The workshops offered will explore the strength, beauty and convictions of our bodies through dance, music, theater, performance… The body as battlefield, the body as territory. In its poetic and political dimensions.

Tuesday April 2nd
10am to 12:30pm- Dance training. “Elaborating together”. By Barbara Sarreau. Three phases; the first focusing on our physical sensations “Je sens – je ressens (I feel)”, the second around our inner and outer gaze “J’observe (I observe)”, the third on the mental and physical retranscription of the other stages “Je note (I take note)”.
2pm to 5pm. Dance workshop. In line with Barbara Sarreau‘s performance La beauté des choses on April 20.
Un Laboratoire, for all, witnessing movement, capturing the viewer …. What is art in dance? We know that the dancer’s body is political, but let’s ask ourselves the question of the presence of the spectator’s body states in the world.
Isn’t beauty in the eye of the beholder?
Wednesday April 3rd
10am to 12:30pm. Collective dance training.
Using playful exercises and the “Ciranda” collective dance, we invite participants to share collective dances and songs that represent their origins, territories, folklore and culture. A moment of sharing, singing and dancing. By Flavio Franciulli and the ABAPORU association.
2 to 5pm. Theater workshop “The maternal body… from romanticized maternity to reality…” Linked to Flavio Franciulli‘s Amélia performance on April 27.
A theatrical research laboratory exploring maternity-related memories and recollections. The journey of women from the discovery of pregnancy to childbirth, their fears, their joys, their pride, their difficulties, their losses, their dreams, their choices, their desires… from the romanticism of childbirth to the reality of the field… We’ll be working on the creation of sound clips based on testimonies and improvisations.
Open to professional and amateur artists and residents of Belle de Mai and beyond.

photo credit : Jean-Claude Sanchis

Thursday April 4th
10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. – Dance training.
Putting into practice the notion of the group in each person’s relationship to the other, to others and to different spaces. Finding support for each individual in a common dance language is the primary intention of her pedagogy. Corinne Pontana shares her experience of the moving body in dance, her experience as a performer and her personal writing.
2pm to 5pm – “Inscrire des présences” dance workshop.
In connection with Corinne Pontana‘s performance on May 4 Légitime présence.
How to make our presence more legitimate. How to express our own necessity through presence. In the fleeting as in the long term, trace, engrave to manifest, make visible body trajectories through the sensitive, the poetic or the obvious. Using choreographic composition games, Corinne Pontana invites us to work together to make our bodies “conscious”, capable of movement, momentum, transformation and mutation, to make our presence naturally visible.
Her teaching is closely linked to that of Anne Le Batard and Jean-Antoine Bigot Cie Ex Nihilo, with whom she has collaborated as a performer for over 17 years.
photo credit : @tendrerage
10 a.m. to 1 p.m. – Dance workshop. In connection with the Tender project. Wendy Cornu presents a workshop open to a variety of participants, regardless of their level of experience. A creative space where everyone can express their own body language while tackling the themes of emancipation and challenging norms. It aims to address the following two axes:
- Retrospective and archive analysis. Participants will plunge into a brief retrospective of archives, discovering defining moments linked to women’s assertion, the evolution of their rights, questions about gender equality and constraining norms. They will share their experiences on these subjects and/or study pre-existing testimonies, creating a space for authentic expression.
- Introduction to movement. Learning movement through instantaneous dance transmission methods. Exploiting the texture and meaning of words to support movement and approach will enable the emergence of personal and distinctive dances.
Wendy Cornu approaches dance writing as an intuitive experience, where the body and sound stimuli resonate. The musicality of syllables, allied to the meaning of words, invites the choreographer/performer to explore new fields of research in the dialogue between sound and movement”.2pm to 5pm.
2pm to 5pm. Writing and reading workshop. ” Arpentage : corporéalité “. Arpentage is a popular education method for applying collective intelligence to the appropriation of a work. By mapping extracts from a work, we will collectively become one body. By Jean-Marc Jugant and Marie Pestel
5pm to 6pm: Poets’ Circle “Poetesses” by XaL, (bring a poem to read)
6pm to 9pm. Apéro Concert

photo credit : Shirley Dorino
Click here to register!
For more info, write to labodesdesirs@gmail.com
And, of course, the traditional Chuchotextes at lunchtime and the ever-popular Chaises musicales every evening from 6pm to 8pm will set the pace for the week!
For any suggestions concerning the Chaises musicales, please contact Marine Quiniou at marine@silex.email
For more detailed schedule info: Click here to access the program!
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